Visit New Website!

Posted on Fri 07 April 2023 in blog

I provide a new website. Please find the latest information from the following link. This website will not be updated.

Visit New Website via This Link

新しいウェブサイトを作成しました。以降の最新情報は …

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Posted on Thu 13 October 2022 in blog

MendeleyからZoteroに文献管理を移行する場合に、いろいろと大変そうな手続きが必要であるような記事が多く見られましたが、実際にやってみると非常に簡単で …

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New paper was accepted in International Journal of Geographical Information Science.

Posted on Fri 22 July 2022 in blog

Publications page was updated.

We released the new paper “Scalable spatiotemporal regression model based on Moran’s eigenvectors” on International Journal of Geographical Information Science (Link to Paper). This is a joint work with Prof. Yasushi Asami, Prof. Chihiro Shimizu, and Dr. Hiroki Baba.


Posted on Fri 01 April 2022 in blog


I join Hitotsubashi University today as a Specially Appointed Research Associate.

書籍『犯罪予測 ―AIによる分析―犯罪予測』が出版されました

Posted on Wed 30 March 2022 in blog

成文堂から『犯罪予測 ―AIによる分析―』が出版されました。詳しくはbooks欄をご参照ください。

Source codes for novel market segmentation method was uploaded.

Posted on Sun 25 April 2021 in blog

Our source code for “The illusion of a hedonic price function: Nonparametric interpretable segmentation for hedonic inference” on Journal of Housing Economics (Link to Paper) was released.

Please check Here!

Additionally, Publications page was updated.

Novel market segmentation method was published.

Posted on Thu 11 March 2021 in blog

Publications page was updated.

We released the new paper “The illusion of a hedonic price function: Nonparametric interpretable segmentation for hedonic inference” on Journal of Housing Economics (Link to Paper). It provides the theoretical motivation of market segmentation and proposes the novel automatic segmentation method. I will release the source …

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Posted on Mon 02 November 2020 in blog


Update Publication Page

Posted on Wed 14 October 2020 in blog

I updated the Publications page.

Our poster is now on TGSW2020!

Posted on Fri 18 September 2020 in blog

Our time-series analysis and clustering on crimes in London is now appearing in Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW) Digital poster session!

Please check and give us comments!