Welcome to sgGWR’s documentation!

About sgGWR

Welcome to sgGWR! sgGWR (Stochastic Gradient approach for Geographically Weighted Regression) is scalable bandwidth calibration software for GWR.


We recommend installing JAX (https://github.com/google/jax) package for efficient computation. To install sgGWR with JAX, please execute the following on your terminal.

pip install sgGWR[jax]

If you cannot install JAX (e.g., Windows users), you can omit [jax] option.

pip install sgGWR


Please cite the following article:

  • Nishi, H., & Asami, Y. (2024). Stochastic gradient geographical weighted regression (sgGWR): Scalable bandwidth optimization for geographically weighted regression. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 38(2), 354–380. https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2023.2285471

Experimental Features:

Indices and tables